Got CoronaVirus at work?



  • If you get coronavirus at work, the challenge is proving whether you got it due to work related activities.

  • If you got coronavirus at the same time as many of your coworkers, it may be easier to prove

  • If you were put in a position where you were put at an increased risk due to the nature of your work (for example, medical staff), and you get coronavirus, it could be considered a work related injury

  • For most people, the only likely benefits would be reimbursement of medical expenses and temporary disability while off work due to coronavirus

  • If someone dies because they got coronavirus at work, then we would still need to prove causation and also identify who was financially dependent on that person

Did you know?

If you work and start to have pain over a period of time due to your work duties (for example, due to repetitive lifting or movements), that could be considered a work comp injury?